Ilona Buchem is Professor for Media and Communication at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Faculty I Economics and Social Sciences. She holds a PhD in Business Education from Humboldt University and Certificate in Business Administration from St. Gallen University, Switzerland. Her research and teaching focus on fostering diversity, participation and inclusion through digital media. She has been involved in a number of projects aiming at enhancing digitalisation both in higher education and industry. Ilona leads the Open Badge Network, the European Strategic Partnership dedicated to Open Credentials, which builds in the project founded 2014-2017 by the European Program Erasmus+. Other projects she has been leading include “Open Virtual Mobility” for development, assessment and recognition of virtual mobility skills in context of Open Education and “Digital Future” aiming at development of digitalisation strategies in higher education, building on the project founded by the Stifterverband fuer die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Her past projects include CreditPoints - a qualification programs for migrant academics, funded by the German Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs and part of the federal program "Integration through Qualification" and Fitness MOOC - an R&D project which developed a wearable technology-based learning solution for senior citizens. For further information including publications view her university website, her blog at and slides at